HydroGeek Podcast
Start Up that reduced 60% cost that was incurred by SCADA based Systems
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Start Up that reduced 60% cost that was incurred by SCADA based Systems

When a chemical industry replaced their SCADA based Real Time Monitoring System with the IoT based system they saved 60% of their operational cost. A start up was successful in doing so.

Transcript of the Podcast :


hello friends how are all of you welcome to another podcast of hydrogeek


newsletters so today we will discuss about about a startup i will say not i will i


will not say it's a old organization it is a startup which works on


water based products actually it provides water based solutions to various water


distribution and treatment industries be it government or be it private they with


the help of their sensors smart software


IoT-based equipments,


they try to monitor the water quality of the incoming water and the outgoing water


at different stages.


And by analyzing the data,


they can identify whether any abnormality is there in the entire system of water treatment.


Not only water treatment plant,


It also provides solutions like water billing,


water auditing,


water meter,


where it measures the water use of the residents of a big high society complex or


any other industry.


It continuously monitors the water consumption of each of the users there.


and then based on that use they produce a report and with the help of that report


one can either charge them or include that report in their auditing such that where


and how the water is used in that organization,


whether any unnecessary use is there or where


any sector or any consumer is not getting enough water all these type of


uncertainties can be identified or located so basically this company is involved in


designing the systems which can also replace the SCADA-based system


And they are one of the goal of them is to replace cadaver system where we use CCS


central computational system,


which is connected to different other computer system.


And through those different computers or rather subcomputers,


they try to monitor the water quality of a water treatment plant or water distribution.


system and all these sub computers has is connected to a sensor placed nearby and


by this that ccs actually monitors the entire water system and its quality so if


there is any up and down if there is any breaking of the threshold it wants the


the subcomputers warn the central computer and central computer to the human user


that there is a problem in here.


But this entire system is extremely costly as we all know and this organization is


trying to reduce that cost by employing or installing sensors in the entire path of


the water from input to the output.


And then what it do is the sensors stand alone.


It measures the quality of water and also the quantity.


And this measurement is fed to the internet enabled computers,


be it mobile,


be it smartphone,


be it desktop,


be it pad,




You can monitor from any device of your choice and it will monitor it because all


these monitoring and analytic applications are stored in the app,


are embedded in the app.


If you download an app in your system, whether it is pad or smartphone or desktop also,


Then through that app you can connect to the sensor and constantly real time you


can monitor the valuation of water quality throughout the flow path.


Because that is one of the main problem of water treatment plants because suddenly


the water quality changes.


And if you do not adjust your chemical dosing as per those changes,


then either overdose may occur or underdose may occur.


So both way it will create some deterioration in the standard quality of water.


So with this automated system, with the sensors, you are able to monitor the water quality in real time.


And not only water quality, but also water flow.


So this is one vertical of this organization.


Another vertical is smart metering that I had said,


water accounting or water editing,




rather it is,


water auditing will be the suitable word for this.




As for example,


if you take some example of this company,


they have recently,


in Tamil Nadu,


there is a panchayat known as Tiruchendur,


where they have installed some water management system,


which they refer as AMRIT,




AMR, I think it is AMR UIT.


So this AMRIT system is installed in this,


those panchayats for smart monitoring of the water quality and also the quantity,


both way they monitor,




So this is one example of the real time implementation of their product.


So another is,


there is a chemical industry in Tamil Nadu known as Gigi K.


So there they have also installed a water management system which reduce the


infrastructure cost for real-time monitoring over the SCADA.


They were utilizing SCADA, but when CAR-IoT installed their own system,


cost of real-time monitoring was reduced by 60%.


What this real-time monitoring system do?


They provide real-time data via cloud server, right?


And it is accessible through web and also mobile device.


You have to download an app, okay?


And they enable you to observe or watch the ship based reports also.


And the main advantage of implementing their system is that this system also alert


you whenever there is some uncertainty like leak or quality deterioration in the


treated water.


So, they have a system of automated alerting.


They can alert you whenever there is some vulnerability.


And Car IOT has also installed a water billing and management system in Ganesh Tower,


a shopping complex,




And this is located in Tirupur.


And the earlier system, that chemical industry is located in Tutikorin.




So Ganesh Tower utilizes that where at first they will collect data for different


types of water consumption.


Then they install the pulse meter which can monitor the water use.


And then they calculate the water consumption for each floor,


each consumer and each commercial building if there are more than one.


And after then due to their smart monitoring system,


which they enabled by asking you to install an app into your tab or mobile or this


desktop and through that they can analyze the data and you can understand where the


weak point are and how much water cost is there to your organization.




so this is another thing they have done so another company is their wastewater


treatment plant it hex okay so in heck industry which is located in sri perumbadur


here also they replace the skada system and the system which is installed in that


the same system was installed in HECS also.


HECS means H-E-C-S, HECS industry.


So the same thing is done there.


This is an organization which treats wastewater and supply to different consumers.


So the reporting, the real-time reporting is now


through their IoT product where sensors are connected through internet or rather I


will say cloud to your app and which app when installed in mobile or desktop,


you can monitor,


analyze the entire water use of this wastewater treatment plant.


So basically they are into innovative water


management solution such that you can save not only money but also water because


water is scarce as you see there are lots of climatic abnormality going on in our


world and some place there are excess water and some places there is no water at


all so they are trying to conserve water which is a very good thing and it is


incorporated in the sustainable development goal fixed by the european union


few years back okay and they have a large clientele lots of clients is there few of


them i have already discussed this gigi cake chemical industry then ganesh tower


shopping mall wastewater treatment plant by hex panchayat so there are many other


system where their verticals are being used okay


So I have not yet told you the name of that organization or startup which is


working for the water industry for a long time now.


And so basically their offering is that their main vertical is IoT enabled smart


water management system that monitors the quality and quantity of water in real




for residential, commercial and industrial sector.




So, this is the main objective of the company.








as I have said,


they are located in this Tamil Nadu and they are very,


they are quite old compared to other startups.




I will not say that they are very old,


but if I compare to the recent startup,


which is a trend in the last five years,


with respect to that,


this startup is quite old.


It is in the field for a long time.


Okay, so the name of the organization is CARIOT.




So this is the name of the organization.


It is located in the Tamil Nadu.


I have already said it.


And the entire name of the organization is,


which is recognized by the start of India is Car IoT Solutions Private Limited.


So this is basically the name of the organization recognized by this


total, I would say.




so in short,


I have discussed all the verticals,


I have discussed about the projects which are already completed by them and also


some case studies I have discussed with you.


But now my point is that who are their opponents?


Who can be the or with whom this company competes?


That would be a good, meaningful sentence, I think.


So their main competitor that I understood from the


various data that is available in the market.


Their main competitor is WEGOT and then Krishnam technologies


Digital Eco Innovation,


Vassal Labs and Ekattam and there are many more but directly they are competitor of


this five organization.




Because we got also provide the IoT based water management and they are proprietary IoT devices.


They are not sourcing it from any other organization like this our car IoT is doing.


and they have been able to reduce the water demand by more than 50%.


And if I take the example of Cripsnum Technologies,


this startup offers water management solutions to government and bulk water issues


using IoT-enabled ground sensors


they also use the remote sensing and user input data they allow user can also input


data for sustainable use of fresh water for agriculture and mainly agriculture I


will say right but also for drinking purposes another one is digital eco innovation


so this organization offer IoT and software powered management tool


to transform plants from non-functional to treating 100% of sewage to high quality standards.


So this person is already saving 20% energy and 50% labor cost.


So another, the last one, last organization that can compete with Karoati in one vertical only


It is Ekattwa.


They also offer a water accounting service, right?


And there are many more organizations, but they are loosely related with Card IoT.


They are not direct competitors.


But these five are more or less directly,


they may be directly involved with Card IoT because both of them provide the same solution,




so however this is the competition they have this card iot and which are the


prospective client as you can understand from the case studies water treatment at


distribution organizations big residential complexes gram plantations industries


which use water as the raw material and


various distribution companies,


electricity distribution companies,


because they need water also,


but in a very smart way,




So otherwise,


the power generation can be altered,


or if there is a leak of water within a thermal power plant,


catastrophe can occur,


accidents can occur.


So that is why this DISCOM,


DISCOM is a short form of distribution companies,


but not only DISCOM,




generation companies,




transmission companies,


they can also use the services of car IoT for their benefit.


Because it will only prevent the accidents and abnormalities that may take place in


these old water pipes.


Because generally, government water treatment plant


supplies treated water through very old pipes.


What is the relation between pipe and electric wire?


The analogy if you make with water pipe and electric wire,


you will see more or less their shape,


their properties are same,


but their shape and size is different.


also type is also different but the main property basic property of carrying water


for pipes and carrying electricity for electrical wires are same okay so if uh


there is any vulnerability is there if there is any abnormality in the water


distribution then it must be detected very early that is why the services of iot


could be very very useful right so this is more or less what i want to told you


today and now i am planning to give a feature on some very popular startup working


in the water field


uh like today i have discussed about car iot and next week same day same time i am


pondering i have not uh already planned but it is still in consideration but yes 90


there is a chance that i will again discuss about some another innovative solution


on which an organization is trying to profit


and also which was installed in the last 10 to installments, started its operation in the last decade.




So with this, I finish this podcast.


Please comment.


Please like if you like it.


And you comment if you have any observations or objection with what I have told you.


Thank you for now.


Rather, thank you and bye for now.




So good day and goodbye.

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