Latest Vacancies in Hydroinformatics
Due to the recent popularity in the topic of data science,informatics etc, and its application on water resource there is a huge requirement of hydroinformatics enggs
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Vacancies in Hydroinformatics
GIS Specialist @ Amritapuri
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham invites applications from passionate and skilled professionals to join the Heritage Herald Project under ASF/Amrita WNA. This project aims to preserve and promote India’s tangible, intangible, and natural heritage using cutting-edge technology. ASF is a school working to nurture sustainable and resilient communities, embodying our commitment to a brighter, more equitable future for all in various thematic areas.
Amrita WNA is a research centre that has a vision of promoting, developing, and applying the use of wireless technologies in a variety of fields that would benefit society. Preference will be given to candidates with a Ph.D. or those intending to pursue a Ph.D. while contributing to this project.
For Details Contact:
Vacancies in Hydrology/Marine Structures/Coastal Numerics
Artelia India, Chennai is seeking recent graduates or individuals with some experience in coastal numerical studies, hydrology, or marine structures.
Candidates with experience in open-source tools such as Reef3D, TELEMAC, SWASH, and QGIS are highly desirable.
To Apply: Please send your CV to
Multiple Positions in Ela Green Consultants
Senior Sustainability Analyst- 2 positions
Sustainability Analyst- 4 positions
Energy Simulation expert- 2 positions
Business Development Associate- 1 position
Send your CV along with a cover letter to and (Ensure the subject of the mail reads as follows: “Application for <Position name><your name>- Reg.")
Program Associate in CEEW
“We're hiring a Program Associate to join our Sustainable Water team at CEEW. The role, based in Delhi, requires a minimum of 4 years of experience.”
If you want to add a Vacancy in Hydro that you want to offer to HydroGeek Subscribers, then please email me the content and link for applying at: or Chat with me through Substack
PhD and Post Docs in Hydro
PhD Vacancies in TU Delft
A new Ph.D. position in "Integrating Climate Resilience and Sustainability in Urban Infrastructure Management" in the Department of Engineering Systems and Services (ESS) of TU Delft | Technology, Policy and Management. The candidate will investigate how climate resilience and sustainability can be integrated into infrastructure management practices, particularly in the context of disaster-prone cities with limited resources.
The deadline for the application is January 15, 2025.
Ph.D. in Geospatial and Environmental Analysis (GEA) – Virginia Tech
The Department of Geography offers a Doctor of Philosophy degree program in geospatial and environmental analysis. Geospatial research involves geographic information systems (GIS), the global positioning system (GPS), remote sensing, and imagery analysis. Environmental analysis in this program encompasses rural/natural to urban/human environments. Many students focus on the complex interactions among people, nonhuman biota, and environmental conditions. This doctoral program combines cutting-edge training and research in the theory and application of geospatial science with environmental analysis to enhance research on a broad range of contemporary natural resource and environmental issues.
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