Introduction to Water Resource Planning and Management
Complete Ecourse on Water Resource Planning and Management.
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Water Resource Part
Empirical method of Flood Peak Estimation
Rational Equation
Unit hydrograph technique
Flood frequency studies
Rational Method
Time of Concentration
Rainfall Intensity
Characteristics of Empirical Formulae
Dickens Formula
Ryves Formula
Inglis Formula
Fullers Formula
Baird and Mcillwraith(1951)
Estimation of Flood from Frequency Analysis
Probable density function (PDF)
Plotting Position Probability(PPP)
Determination of the Flood Magnitude Hydrologic Frequency Analysis
Adjustment for Urbanization
Urban Adjustment Factor(Leopold,1968)
Probable Maximum Precipitation
Management Part
Outlier Detection
Correlation : Auto and Cross
Runs Test
Weibuls Formula
Decision Making
Analytical Hierarchy Process
Optimization Techniques
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Water Resource Part
The above lecture video explains all the topics like :
Definition, Empirical Method of Flood Peak Estimation, Rational Equation, Unit hydrograph technique, Flood frequency studies, Rational Method, Time of Concentration, Rainfall Intensity, Characteristics of Empirical Formulae, Dickens Formula, Ryves Formula, Inglis Formula, Fullers Formula, Baird and Mcillwraith(1951), Estimation of Flood from Frequency Analysis, Probable density function (PDF) , Plotting Position Probability(PPP), Determination of the Flood Magnitude Hydrologic Frequency Analysis, Adjustment for Urbanization, Urban Adjustment Factor(Leopold,1968) and Probable Maximum Precipitation