Call for Paper for Special Collection in Air,Soil and Water Research Journal
The Air,Soil and Water Research Journal is Scopus Indexed with a five year impact factor of 3.4
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Name of the Special Collection :
Application of Hydroinformatics in Real Time Monitoring of Water Contamination
Hydroinformatics is a crucial application of information and communication technologies in water resources management, focusing on computer models, data analysis, and decision support systems. It plays a vital role in addressing complex water-related challenges such as flood forecasting, water quality monitoring, and sustainable water resource management. Real-time monitoring in groundwater contamination is essential for detecting and responding to pollution events promptly, minimizing risks to human health and the environment. It allows for early detection of contamination sources, preventing further pollution spread and reducing ecosystem impact. Real-time monitoring also helps identify trends in contamination levels, allowing for targeted interventions and long-term planning. Challenges in groundwater monitoring include limited resources, difficulty in tracking and regulating potential sources of contamination, lack of standardized protocols, increasing complexity of industrial processes, and inadequate funding and staffing for regulatory agencies. Collaboration between government agencies, industry stakeholders, and local communities is essential to address these issues and ensure the long-term sustainability of groundwater resources. As technology advances, hydroinformatics integration will become even more essential for effective water resource management.
Key submission information:
Real-time monitoring in groundwater protection.
Role of technology in real-time monitoring of groundwater contamination.
Proactive measures like wellhead protection programs and pollution prevention plans.
Comprehensive strategies for groundwater protection and collaboration between groups.
Success stories of improved sustainability of groundwater resources.
Various technologies and methods used for real-time monitoring of groundwater contamination.
Long-term impact of effective groundwater protection efforts on public health, environmental conservation, and economic stability.
Current state of groundwater sources worldwide and the importance of sustainable management practices.
Innovative technologies for monitoring and protecting groundwater quality.
Impact of groundwater depletion, pollution, or over-extraction on ecosystems, agriculture, and human populations.
Impact of Climate Change and Urbanization on Groundwater Quality
Application of IoT in Groundwater monitoring and management
All articles in this Special Collection will undergo peer review in line with the journal's standard peer review policies. All submissions to this collection will be subject to an Article Processing Charge (find more infohere). Authors may be eligible for a discounted APC through our Open Access Agreements. Check if your institution has an Open Access Agreement with Sagehere. Authors from institutions without an agreement may still be eligible for a discount and should check the Gold OA waiver policy.
All are invited to submit at least one paper to this special collection.
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